
Staff sought for celebrations with homeless people

Open Hof (Straatpastoraat) • job opening nr. 7719

Interesting about this job

You will be working with a particularly exciting target group in a fun team.
Special encounters, fascinating stories in a small-scale setting.

Job tasks and duties

Every Sunday evening from 17.45 - 18.30 there is an ecumenical celebration in the chapel of Straatpastoraat de Open Hof, which visitors to the day care centre can attend. There is a pastor, a pianist and there are always two supporting volunteers present.

  • Prior to the celebration: preparing bread and making coffee.
  • During the celebration, support the pastor, in consultation with the pastor.
  • After the celebration, leave the chapel tidy.

Celebration volunteers should be available once or twice a month to support at the celebrations.

Job skills and qualities

We ask for a minimum age of 20 years. Furthermore, we expect an open, respectful attitude, affinity with the target group of the Open Hof and affinity with liturgy. You are curious about people, stand firmly on your feet and you like working together.

Extra information

Are you interested or would you like to know more about this vacancy? If so, please contact the pastor/spiritual carer of the Open Hof, Annemarie van der Vegt. Please email:

Job information

Job type Volunteer Work
Services WA insurance, training, volunteer contract, travel expenses
Duration indefinite
Hours per week at least 2 hours, max 2 hours
Work hours of your own choosing? No
sundag evening
Location Chapel of the open Hof

Organisation address and information

Open Hof (Straatpastoraat)
Spilsluizen 5
9712 NR Groningen
