
Activity leader JMZ Holiday Week

Humanitas • job opening nr. 14328

Interesting about this job

Project Young Family Caregivers (JMZ) of Humanitas Groningen is looking for an activity supervisor to facilitate the holiday week for young family caregivers.
Young family caregivers are young people who grow up with a (chronically or mentally) ill/ addicted/ disabled father, mother, brother or sister. As a result, these young people often have tasks and worries that do not fit their age.
With Humanitas' JMZ project, we offer young informal carers a helping hand. One of the ways we do this is by organising a cool holiday week!
We will start preparations in March 2025. The holiday week itself will be from Monday 21 to Friday 25 July 2025.

Job tasks and duties

  • Create a team of 5 activity leaders and 2 cooking volunteers.
  • To prepare together: meet several times to set up activities, draw up rules and make agreements.
  • Be responsible together during the week for everything concerning guiding the young people and the activities.

Job skills and qualities

  • Availability from 21 to 25 July 2025.
  • Some experience in organising holiday weeks or guiding groups of young people.
  • Someone who gets on well with (a group of) young people aged between 12 and 24.
  • Someone who works well together.
  • Someone flexible and confident.

Extra information

What we offer:

  • Facilitate preparation meetings.
  • Support from a project coordinator.
  • Recognition for your efforts.
  • A really great time with fantastic children.

Job information

Job type Volunteer Work
Services Certificate of Good Conduct is required
Duration short job
Hours per week at least 120 hours, max 120 hours
Work hours of your own choosing? No
Location Hardenberg

Organisation address and information

Akerkhof ZZ 22
9711 JB Groningen
