
Help wanted to prepare lunch

DIG050 • job opening nr. 14326

Interesting about this job

The contact with people, the casual atmosphere in the Stroming. The sociability and, of course, you get to decide how often you want to help out. You can always try it out first!

Job tasks and duties

We provide a light lunch for our community centre visitors three times a week. This often means a soup and a sandwich, or something else that is also tasty, Lunch is from 12.00h and from 10.00h we do the preparations. You are not alone in the kitchen but have help from one or more colleagues. Your input is of course also important so your ideas are welcome!

Job skills and qualities

Actually, we do not ask for skills or qualities. Effort and enthusiasm are very important.

Extra information

Just come and have a look. Always good.

Job information

Job type Volunteer Work, Participation Job, Maatschappelijke diensttijd (MDT)
Duration indefinite
Hours per week at least 3 hours, max 9 hours
Work hours of your own choosing? No
monday morning, tuesday morning, wednesday morning
Location MFC de Stroming

Organisation address and information

Merwedestraat 54
9725 KE Groningen
