
Secretary Groningen Swimming Association TriVia

Groninger Zwemsportvereniging TriVia • job opening nr. 14320

Interesting about this job

The Groningen Swimming Association TriVia is the largest swimming association in Groningen. The association is divided into six sections, which have the common goal of making swimming - in the broadest sense of the word - possible. Offerings are available for every level, at every age.

In this position, you will learn a lot about the work of a secretary. You will have contact with various parties such as Sport050, KNZB, Huis voor de Sport Groningen, all departments and the board.

Job tasks and duties

The secretary is considered the writer of the board and thus the association.

  • Answering emails generally and forwarding them to the appropriate person or department if necessary.
  • Preparing board meetings, DB (Daily Board), ALV and external consultations such as with Sport050.
  • Notifying meetings, consultations.
  • Organise documents and folders in Google Drive.
  • Creating general annual report.
  • Contact with Sport050, rental and swimming contact.
  • Coordinate membership administration (implementation lies with the department) As secretary, you will attend the monthly board meeting and regularly consult with the DB. You also organise DB consultations with external parties.

Job skills and qualities

  • Able to work with Google Drive, calendar, Mail, minutes, folders, etc.
  • Notate.
  • Ordering.
  • Organise.

Extra information

If you are interested and would like to discuss this without obligation, please contact current secretary Hannie Poletiek at

See the full vacancy on the website:

Job information

Job type Volunteer Work
Services Certificate of Good Conduct is required
Duration indefinite
Hours per week at least 2 hours, max 10 hours
Work hours of your own choosing? Yes
Location Helperbad, mudmanlaan 40

Organisation address and information

Groninger Zwemsportvereniging TriVia
Moddermanlaan 40
9721 GP Groningen
