
Chairman Groningen Swimming Association TriVia

Groninger Zwemsportvereniging TriVia • job opening nr. 14319

Interesting about this job

The Groningen Swimming Association TriVia is the largest swimming association in Groningen. The association is divided into six sections, which have the common goal of making swimming - in the broadest sense of the word - possible. Offerings are available for every level, at every age.

So you become chairman the biggest swimming sports association. You can learn a lot from this and it looks very good on your CV.

In this position, you will learn a lot about the work of a chairman. You will be in contact with various parties such as Sport050/Municipality, KNZB, Huis voor de Sport Groningen, other swimming associations, all departments and the board.

Job tasks and duties

  • Leading the board (taking initiatives, coordinating and carrying out board activities).
  • Together with the board, defining the vision, mission and objectives of the association.
  • Leading meetings of the board and monitoring the action and decision list.
  • Preparing and leading meetings of the DB (executive committee), the General Assembly and other external consultations.
  • Accounting for the Board's policy and results to the members during the General Members Meeting.
  • Representation/point of contact of the association to inside and outside such as Sport050/municipality, province, sports umbrella and press.
  • Supervising the proper implementation of policy by other board members, committees and volunteers.
  • Liaising with key stakeholders such as the KNZB, other swimming associations, sponsors and external parties.
  • Together with the treasurer and secretary as the daily board, overseeing the financial health of the association.

Job skills and qualities

  • The ability to motivate a group to work together.
  • The ability to lead conversations and and ensure everyone is heard.
  • Able to bring structure to meetings and processes.
  • Able to make informed decisions, sometimes under pressure.
  • Impartiality and the ability to treat all views and opinions equally.
  • Monitoring the cultural values of the association.
  • Integer acting in all situations.
  • Taking an understanding of others opinions and perspectives, creating a safe atmosphere.
  • Passion for the sport of swimming.

Extra information

October 2025, the current chairman is stepping down. In order to be able to work someone in properly, we are looking for a successor as soon as possible. If you are interested and would like to discuss this without obligation, please contact the current chairman Richard Meijer,

For the full vacancy text also visit:

Job information

Job type Volunteer Work
Services Certificate of Good Conduct is required
Duration indefinite
Hours per week at least 2 hours, max 10 hours
Work hours of your own choosing? Yes
Location Helperbad, mudmanlaan 40

Organisation address and information

Groninger Zwemsportvereniging TriVia
Moddermanlaan 40
9721 GP Groningen
