
Companion for good conversation and occasional outings

Humanitas • job opening nr. 14312

Interesting about this job

You will offer companionship to someone who is very much in need of it.

Job tasks and duties

Broadly interested lady from the centre of Haren seeks buddy for good conversation. Ms follows politics, is creative and would also really enjoy going out with someone once in a while. Just into the village or an outing to Zuidlaren.

Who female volunteer would like to go out with this lady?

Job skills and qualities

You are interested and fancy getting out and about.

Extra information

For more information or to respond contact:

Job information

Job type Volunteer Work
Services WA insurance, training, expense allowance, Certificate of Good Conduct is required
Duration indefinite
Hours per week at least 1 hour, max 2 hours
Work hours of your own choosing? Yes
Location At the participant's home

Organisation address and information

Akerkhof ZZ 22
9711 JB Groningen
