
Experience expert AIC Groningen

Autisme Informatiecentrum Groningen • job opening nr. 14227

Interesting about this job

We offer a diverse team, where personal experience with autism has created a great mutual commitment. An added value of this work is that you can help others with the experience you have gained yourself. It makes you feel meaningful and satisfying. We also offer interesting and diverse professional development. We also have a monthly meeting in which we coordinate our activities and division of tasks together as a team.

Job tasks and duties

Volunteers from the AIC Groningen (part of the NVA, Dutch Autism Association) offer: peer contact, advice/information, thematic meetings, an Appointment Morning, an Auticafe; in short, an inspiring neurodiverse environment with the necessary recognition.

Job skills and qualities

  • Familiar with autism (as a parent, partner, for example).
  • Able to provide a listening ear where any own private problems can be put aside to help others.
  • To inform and advise; experience sharing.
  • Able to help organise activities.
  • Preference is given to people with young children and or partner with autism, but not necessary.
  • Available time is flexible, but a few hours at least twice a month.

Extra information

More information can be found on our website

Any questions and/or comments? Feel free to email us!
We welcome you!

Job information

Job type Volunteer Work
Services travel expenses
Duration indefinite
Hours per week at least 2 hours, max 4 hours
Work hours of your own choosing? Yes
Location Consultations at Main Site, other activities at other locations, as well as work from home

Organisation address and information

Autisme Informatiecentrum Groningen
p.a. Bessemoerstraat AIC Afspraakmorgen 4
9741 AJ Groningen
