
Garden assistant at Permaculture Garden

Ecologische Zorgboerderij De Mikkelhorst • job opening nr. 14211

Interesting about this job

We are looking for someone who loves gardening and wants to help in our Permaculture garden. Permaculture is a design method for arranging your garden and environment in the most practical, efficient, natural and beautiful way possible. With Permaculture's design method, you try to make a sustainable, edible, human environment. In this garden, we work with nature rather than against it. The soil life takes care of the soil; birds, hedgehogs and other animals help fight pests and keep the garden healthy. We humans make only limited adjustments in this garden.

Right at the back of De Mikkelhorst's gardens is the permaculture garden. This permaculture garden was created by a number of volunteers in 2015 and is still maintained by them. In it, you will find many edible and ecologically valuable perennials. Flowers, leafy and tuberous plants grow at the front, shrubs and taller fruit and nut trees further back in the garden.

Job tasks and duties

Garden work, year-round.

Job skills and qualities

You are interested in permaculture and you like to maintain the garden according to this method.

Extra information

For more information or to apply contact:

Job information

Job type Volunteer Work
Duration indefinite
Hours per week at least 1 hour, max 4 hours
Work hours of your own choosing? No
Location Care farm De Mikkelhorst

Organisation address and information

Ecologische Zorgboerderij De Mikkelhorst
Klaverlaan 37
9753 BZ Haren
