
Who helps to create photo albums on the computer?

Humanitas Vrijwilligers & Dementie • job opening nr. 14208

Interesting about this job

As a buddy, you will interact with different people. By listening to others' stories, going for a walk together, sharing a hobby together or having a cup of coffee, you will discover something new every day!

Mister is a friendly, interesting man. Getting creative with a computer programme and mister's photos.

Job tasks and duties

Working together on the computer to make one or more albums of Sir.
When the weather is nice, possibly taking small walks, Sir walks indoors with a walker and uses a mobility scooter outside.

Job skills and qualities

  • Please be patient, Sir has become slower due to his illness.
  • Experience in creating albums.
  • Friendly.
  • Affection with elderly people.
  • Cosy.

Extra information

The couple prefers Friday visits.

Job information

Job type Volunteer Work
Services WA insurance, training, Certificate of Good Conduct is required
Duration indefinite
Work hours of your own choosing? No
Location home

Organisation address and information

Humanitas Vrijwilligers & Dementie
Akerkhof 22 zz
9711 JB Groningen
