
Recovery of benefits affair Groningen region

(Gelijk)waardig Herstel • job opening nr. 14095

Interesting about this job

It is a very special and emotional process for the parent to share his/her story with a Listening Writer, but also very special to listen to this. In a fairly approachable way, you can really mean something to a fellow human being. In this way, the many parents affected by the childcare allowance affair can start working on emotional and financial recovery.

Job tasks and duties

In the recovery route, the story of the parent himself, the Factual Story, is central. To get this down on paper, the parents (the Narrators) are supported by a Listening Writer: a volunteer from the community who listens without judgement and writes down the parent's Factual Story. For the parent, the Factual Narrative consists of 3 parts: who were you before all the misery started, where are you now and where do you want to go? The moment the Factual Narrative is on paper, the parent can choose to have it read through. Thus, as a volunteer, you make an important contribution to the parent's emotional and financial recovery.

Job skills and qualities

Maybe you have been following the news for years, the benefits affair grips you, you feel the urgency, and you want to do something concrete. By helping out, you are effectively saying to the people concerned: I see and believe you. It is precisely this equality that motivates you to contribute your time and skills.

You connect as a person easily, equally and respectfully. You open up and are curious about the person concerned. You can listen deeply, openly and without judgement or pre-judgement. You dare to keep asking questions and know how to create a safe environment. You are a fellow resident of the Netherlands. We advise you to apply from the age of 21, because impactful events will be discussed during the interview. To handle this well, some life experience is required.

It is necessary to be in possession of a laptop and/or tablet in combination with a smartphone. Some IT skills are also nice: both the Narrator and Listening Writer work in our online Portal.

Extra information

As a Listening Writer, you will take part in a digital Starting Meeting (1 hour) so that you can learn more about the role of a Listening Writer and get off to a good start.

Practice shows that being a Listening Writer requires between 10 and 15 hours on average. This can vary, as the parent is in charge of the process and sets the pace.

Job information

Job type Volunteer Work
Duration short job
Work hours of your own choosing? Yes
Location At home or at the narrator's home or at a neutral location

Organisation address and information

(Gelijk)waardig Herstel
Louis Armstrongweg 90
1311 RL Almere
