
employee CosisClub

Cosis • job opening nr. 14091

Interesting about this job

The CosisClub is a Work, Day Care and Learning (WDL) location and provides a safe and supportive environment for clients who do not qualify for work-based day care. The WDL location is offered at two locations in Groningen and is in a build-up phase. We offer day care to ageing clients with mental disabilities. The client group is growing. Our experience group is aimed at people who need a lot of closeness, warmth and care. Here, everything revolves around creating a meaningful and enjoyable day.

Currently about 17 participants (8 per day) visit the CosisClub, we want to grow to 24 participants (12 per day) this year.

Job tasks and duties

At the CosisClub, we focus on providing a rich and varied world of experiences. This includes creative activities, for example around movement and music. Here, attention is paid to the individual with his or her unique needs and wishes. Our aim is to create a warm and pleasant atmosphere where everyone feels valued and supported.
Currently, the team consists of two staff members, an intern and a team coordinator. In addition, we are actively working to attract volunteers to our location.

Job skills and qualities

Do you enjoy supporting this target group in their activities such as drawing, colouring, crafts or joining our exercise programme? We are also looking for someone who can support at the coffee/tea moments, the bread meal and the dishes. Furthermore, we like to play games aimed at maintaining knowledge and skills. Going shopping in the mall with someone is also one of the possibilities.

Extra information

Do you like joining our team for at least 3 mornings a week? We start at 10am in the morning and participants return to their homes at 3pm. But if you have less time, the hours can always be adjusted.

Job information

Job type Volunteer Work
Services WA insurance, accident insurance, training, volunteer contract, expense allowance, travel expenses, Certificate of Good Conduct is required
Duration 6 to 12 months
Hours per week at least 12 hours, max 21 hours
Work hours of your own choosing? No
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Location Confiance in Corpus den Hoorn or Lijzijde in Lewenborg

Organisation address and information

Campinglaan 1A
9727 KH Groningen
