
ICT/Website builder

Buurtoverleg Oosterpoort • job opening nr. 14089

Interesting about this job

As a web builder, you will help Buurtoverleg Oosterpoort with the website.
We have a logo and, based on the logo, you will develop the house style of the website in consultation.
With your help, Buurtoverleg Oosterpoort can be better accessible for residents by means of a website where they can find information.

Job tasks and duties

  • Building a website for Oosterpoort Neighbourhood Council.
  • Maintenance we can do ourselves afterwards.
  • The work is mainly done from home.

Job skills and qualities

  • Good interpersonal skills.
  • Experience in building a website.
  • Creative.
  • Patient.

Extra information

The Oosterpoort Neighbourhood Consultation wants to have a website.
On that website, we want to explain what the Neighbourhood Consultation does, post our minutes, share links to other websites and provide a contact option for local residents.
If you like it, email and we will get back to you soon

Job information

Job type Volunteer Work
Duration Eenmalig
Hours per week at least 1 hour
Work hours of your own choosing? Yes
Location At home with yourself

Organisation address and information

Buurtoverleg Oosterpoort
Barkmolenstraat 86
9723 DK Groningen
