
Enthusiastic hostesses/hosts

Stichting De Zijlen, locatie 't Roer • job opening nr. 14058

Interesting about this job

You will be a steady beacon of structure and sociability in a tumultuous unit on the ward with people with disabilities.

Job tasks and duties

As a hostess/host, you will provide coffee, tea, conviviality and perhaps a game.
In consultation, you will go out with a client to run an errand or just for a walk.
Your presence will help the permanent staff member to focus on her/his work. You will provide a connection.
You are briefed on details.

Minimum education level: mbo

Job skills and qualities

  • You have a tidy nature and love working with people.
  • You are open to working with the professionals and can provide feedback when needed.
  • You are open to learning and can handle feedback.
  • The target audience finds you interesting. A bit of "fireworks" does not put you off.
  • You treat the privacy of residents and staff with care.

Extra information

You will support the professionals and can expect the necessary support yourself.

Job information

Job type Volunteer Work
Services WA insurance, accident insurance, volunteer contract, travel expenses, Certificate of Good Conduct is required
Duration indefinite
Hours per week at least 3 hours, max 6 hours
Work hours of your own choosing? Yes
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Location T Roer, Lewenborg

Organisation address and information

Stichting De Zijlen, locatie 't Roer
Roer 163
9733 AS Groningen
