
Employee forest ranger Play Nature The Onlanderij

Natuurmonumenten • job opening nr. 14032

Interesting about this job

Natuurmonumenten looks after more than 110,000 hectares of nature in the Netherlands. We make a case for the nature that is still left and for the new nature that is still to come. Not only in the areas we manage, but also outside them. After all, nature is good for us. To relax. To play. To be fascinated and inspired. To feel happy. This is socially proven and we are committed to it. De Onlanden is one of our areas where people come to enjoy themselves. The Onlanderij is the gateway located at the edge of the De Onlanden nature reserve.

Job tasks and duties

A natural play nature has been created at the Onlanderij, where children can climb and clamber over tree trunks, play at the natural water sources, build huts and play with sand.

As an employee forester Speelnatuur, you will be the first point of contact for the children and their (grand)parents. You welcome them and inspire them about nature. In addition, you will actively recruit new members for Natuurmonumenten and perform manual tasks.

Minimum education level: mbo

Job skills and qualities

Of course you support the objectives of Natuurmonumenten. In addition:

  • You have an affinity with nature and enjoy introducing children to it.
  • You are customer- and service-oriented.
  • Are you positive towards active member recruitment.
  • Are you available once a fortnight on a Wednesday afternoon and at the weekend.

Extra information

  • An inspiring working environment with fun colleagues and children playing
  • Nature knowledge about De Onlanden
  • Training 'Nature can't ask, you can'
  • A permanent contact
  • Volunteer contract, clothing and travel allowance
  • A volunteer card for discounts on Natuurmonumenten products
  • Participation in online learning platform Learn Your Green

Information & Application
Volunteer coordinator Helga Buist (06-13925618) will be happy to answer any questions or, if interested, send an email to

Job information

Job type Volunteer Work
Services accident insurance, training, volunteer contract, travel expenses, Certificate of Good Conduct is required
Duration indefinite
Work hours of your own choosing? Yes
wednesday afternoon, saturdag afternoon, sundag afternoon
Location The Onlandery

Organisation address and information

Hoofdweg 251 B
9765 CH Paterswolde
