
Catering assistant at Van Houten

bij Van Houten • job opening nr. 14013

Interesting about this job

Bij Van Houten is a Neighbourhood Centre in the Oosterpark. We are there for all local residents who would like to do something in the neighbourhood. Everyone is allowed to participate here. As a result, we have a diverse team! The diversity makes everyone feel welcome! The atmosphere is relaxed and if it's busy in a department, we help each other.

What's nice about this place is that you meet fellow neighbourhood residents, get soup during your working days, a lot of fun and you can use and develop your talents.

If you would like to take the first steps towards work, that is possible. Here you can work from all kinds of programs, but also without a program. The programs include additional guidance.

Job tasks and duties

At the moment, this involves light catering duties that go hand in hand with being a host/hostess.

The following tasks you will perform in this role:

  • making lunch
  • making soup
  • assist in making a hot meal
  • order taking
  • checkout
  • coffee and tea making
  • cleaning up
  • welcome visitors

Job skills and qualities

  • You are sociable
  • You have an affinity for cooking
  • You work neatly and clean
  • You can work together

Job information

Job type Volunteer Work, Participation Job, Suitable For Non-Dutch Speakers, Fit For Newcomers
Duration indefinite
Hours per week at least 5 hours, max 32 hours
Work hours of your own choosing? No
Location Neighbourhood centre bij Van Houten

Organisation address and information

bij Van Houten
Oliemuldersweg 47
9713 VA Groningen
