
Board member Sportkoepel Groningen

Sportkoepel Groningen • job opening nr. 14009

Interesting about this job

Sportkoepel Groningen stands up for grassroots sport throughout the municipality of Groningen. You will speak with sports associations, Sport050 officials, policy officials of the Municipality of Groningen, members of the city council and political parties.

Job tasks and duties

We are looking for a fellow board member who, like the six sitting board members, would like to work for the sports associations in our municipality. Our field of work covers association affairs, accommodation, municipal rates and other matters for associations etc in all kinds of dossiers and working groups. The work is therefore diverse.

Job skills and qualities

We are looking for an enthusiastic person with a sports background. Preferably in water or ice, so swimming, skating, ice hockey, figure skating, short track etc. However, this is not a requirement.

Extra information

More info? Call or email us on 06 37328856 or Have a chat first to find out more about us and ask your questions? We're open to it.

Job information

Job type Volunteer Work
Services expense allowance
Duration indefinite
Hours per week at least 1 hour, max 4 hours
Work hours of your own choosing? Yes
Location Municipality of Groningen

Organisation address and information

Sportkoepel Groningen
Duinkerkenstraat 37
9723 BP Groningen
