
Chairman van Ostade Foundation

van Ostade Stichting • job opening nr. 13991

Interesting about this job

The van Ostade Foundation manages the busy community centre and the adjacent large playground.

The Foundation is looking for a new chairman or secretary. In other words, a Daily Director preferably with experience.

Job tasks and duties

The new DBer, together with the rest of the board, ensures the smooth day-to-day running of business. Consultation with other organisation such as Playground Centre, District Council, other neighbourhood organisations, etc.

Job skills and qualities

Please have administrative experience, be able to interact well with volunteers, staff, clubs and neighbourhood residents. In short, a cooperative board member.

Extra information

For more information contact:

Read here one of the volunteer stories:

Job information

Job type Volunteer Work
Services accident insurance, expense allowance, Certificate of Good Conduct is required
Duration indefinite
Hours per week at least 5 hours, max 10 hours
Work hours of your own choosing? Yes
Location Kostverloren Quarter

Organisation address and information

van Ostade Stichting
J. van Ruysdaelstraat 73
9718 SC Groningen
