
Who will walk with you to the shop?

's Heeren Loo de Noorderbrug • job opening nr. 13987

Interesting about this job

A male resident at our residential centre would enjoy taking a walk with someone. For example, to the shop for a small errand, or for a walk around the neighbourhood. This gentleman is 65 years old and has non-congenital brain injury. He is usually cheerful, likes a joke and a pleasant chat.

Job tasks and duties

At our residential centre, we provide care to people with noncongenital brain injuries. Our biggest challenge, besides providing the best care, is to offer residents a beautiful life. For all the things that make life enjoyable, we cannot do without the efforts of volunteers. With us, volunteers have the freedom to make their own arrangements with a resident or when and how volunteering takes place. This makes it very easy to combine with your work and/or your other activities.

Job skills and qualities

Nearly anyone can volunteer with us. You don't need experience with or knowledge of the target group. Where it is needed, our care workers are available to take care of it. We think it is important that people enjoy coming to us, and get satisfaction from doing something for someone else.

Extra information

Are you curious whether this is something for you, or do you still have questions? Feel free to contact Rudi Nijmeijer, volunteer coordinator at s' Heeren Loo. 06 - 33 02 04 85

Job information

Job type Volunteer Work
Services WA insurance, accident insurance, training, volunteer contract, expense allowance, travel expenses, Certificate of Good Conduct is required
Duration indefinite
Work hours of your own choosing? No
Location Laan Corpus den Hoorn 110, Groningen

Organisation address and information

's Heeren Loo de Noorderbrug
Queridolaan 5
9700 AD Groningen
