
Exercise group for the elderly.

Zorggroep Groningen Locatie Innersdijk/Bloemhof • job opening nr. 13985

Interesting about this job

Zorggroep Groningen, Bloemhof location offers a comprehensive programme focused on the well-being of older people. There is a focus on exercise, music, creativity and culture. We organise recurring activities, organise theme weeks and take part in various projects. Volunteering in elder care is incredibly diverse and valuable!

For example, together with other volunteers and staff, you make sure everything is set up for the activity and give the residents a warm welcome when they enter. During the activity, you make sure the activity runs smoothly and that residents are happy and receive attention. Afterwards, you will make sure that everything is cleaned up and you will close the activity together.

Job tasks and duties

Every Monday morning there is an exercise group in which extra support from a volunteer is desirable.

Together with a staff member, you will organise the exercise activity for and with the residents of Bloemhof.

The times are from 10.00-12.00.

Job skills and qualities

  • You are enthusiastic, committed and people-oriented.
  • You enjoy being there for others.
  • You enjoy working with groups.

Extra information

At Zorggroep Groningen, attention to the development and deployment of volunteers is important. We treat them to an end-of-year gift, organise cosy and informative meetings and the possibility of following training/workhops.

There is also the possibility of following online training courses via Goodhapbitz.

Job information

Job type Volunteer Work
Services WA insurance, training, volunteer contract, travel expenses
Duration indefinite
Hours per week at least 2 hours, max 3 hours
Work hours of your own choosing? No
monday morning
Location Zorggroep Groningen, location Bloemhof

Organisation address and information

Zorggroep Groningen Locatie Innersdijk/Bloemhof
Verlaatweg 10
9791 DR Ten Boer
