
Visit volunteer/ Buddy during Last Life stage

Humanitas • job opening nr. 13972

Interesting about this job

Not afraid of death?
When people reach the final stage of life and want to die at home, a lot comes down on them. And on their carers. As a volunteer, you can be invaluable then. By offering time, attention, support in the last phase of life.

As a volunteer at VPTZ, you join a volunteer pool. When we receive a new application and think you might be the perfect volunteer for that situation, we contact you to discuss. It is then up to you to indicate whether you agree and want to visit for an introduction, or to indicate that you do not have time for the coming period or do not see a match yourself.

Job tasks and duties

In consultation with the sick person/ informal carer, we look at what is comfortable for them. It may be that sitting quietly by the bed, having a chat or saying nothing is sufficient, so that the informal carer can leave or do something else with peace of mind. Perhaps the sick person wants some distraction by playing a game, being read to or listening to music together. Or is he/she having a good day and does want to do something outdoors.

Job skills and qualities

  • We ask you as a volunteer to have an open attitude towards the participants and their relatives. This requires you to be aware of your own values, boundaries and ideas about a dignified end of life. And that you are willing to think and reflect on this.
  • As a volunteer at Humanitas, we ask you to work on the basis of equality. You are emphatically not a professional social worker, but stand next to the participant. In doing so, you always start from the participants own direction and strength as much as possible.

Extra information

VPTZthuis of Humanitas Groningen is affiliated with the umbrella organisation VPTZ Nederland. There you can, for example, experiences of other VPTZ volunteers. Or read a volunteer's special experience about providing support during the corona period.

Job information

Job type Volunteer Work
Services accident insurance, training, Certificate of Good Conduct is required
Duration 3 to 6 months
Hours per week at least 2 hours, max 8 hours
Work hours of your own choosing? Yes
Location At participants homes

Organisation address and information

Akerkhof ZZ 22
9711 JB Groningen
