
Repair Café organiser

Repair Café - Grunobuurt • job opening nr. 13859

Interesting about this job

You meet people from your own neighbourhood and work with them.

Job tasks and duties

  • Organising the Repair Café which takes place twice a month.
  • Planning and coordinating the work/neighbourhood activity.
  • You will initally do this together with the current organiser until you are comfortable with the tasks.

Minimum education level: mbo

Job skills and qualities

  • You are proficient in Dutch and have contact skills (making phone calls, making conversation).
  • You enjoy working with other volunteers in the neighbourhood.
  • You can work a computer (planning schedule, email programme).

Extra information

We would prefer you live in the Gruno neighbourhood yourself.

The number of hours per week spent is an average.
Please feel free to ask for more information.

Job information

Job type Volunteer Work
Duration indefinite
Hours per week at least 2 hours, max 2 hours
Work hours of your own choosing? Yes
Location The communal building or the neighbourhood center

Organisation address and information

Repair Café - Grunobuurt
Lorentzstraat 11
9727 AB Groningen
