
A real go-getter

Magma • job opening nr. 13822

Interesting about this job

  • Schedule yourself when you will perform the work.
  • A nice working atmosphere.
  • Together we will look at what suits you best.

Job tasks and duties

  • We will look together at what suits you best and what you enjoy.
  • In Magma we have various jobs available.
  • From light household chores, garden/square maintenance to hostess. 

Job skills and qualities

Most importantly, you will enjoy the tasks we will complete together. You do not need to have any prior knowledge. You do not need to have a full command of the Dutch language yet, but you do want to work on this. No problem, we will guide you in this.

Extra information

Magma is an old school building that houses over 23 initiatives, most of which are organised for and by the Vinkhuizen neighbourhood. From sports to cooking, from shopping to creative sessions. Young and old, everyone comes along. Magma is still under construction to become the hotspot for Vinkhuizen. You can contribute to this development.  

Job information

Job type Volunteer Work, Participation Job, Suitable For Non-Dutch Speakers, Fit For Newcomers
Services WA insurance, accident insurance, training, volunteer contract
Duration indefinite
Hours per week at least 4 hours, max 20 hours
Work hours of your own choosing? Yes
Location Magma

Organisation address and information

Metaallaan 255
9743 BV Groningen
