
Palliative terminal care worker

Hospice Gasthuis Groningen • job opening nr. 13390

Interesting about this job

The Gasthuis is a self-directed volunteer project. You will work with a super nice team of fellow volunteers. There is a nice and good atmosphere.

Job tasks and duties

Hospice Gasthuis Groningen has room for up to six terminally ill guests. Volunteers act as substitute family care for these guests and ensure that the guests can end their lives in the most pleasant way possible. Volunteers work together in teams of three to five people. The volunteers on duty run the house together.

Job skills and qualities

  • You have good communication skills.
  • You are a good listener.
  • You are capable of working together.
  • You have an open attitude.

Extra information

A shift at the Gasthuis lasts five hours. We require each volunteer to work two shifts a week, including once every four weeks a shift on a weekend. We do this to provide some continuity to both our guests and our volunteers. Some guests stay longer than others. If a volunteer only wants to work on weekends, we also offer the possibility of doing one shift a week. At the moment, there is a particular need for volunteers who can work evenings or weekends.

Job information

Job type Volunteer Work
Services WA insurance, training
Duration indefinite
Hours per week at least 10 hours, max 15 hours
Work hours of your own choosing? No
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Location Hospice Gasthuis Groningen

Organisation address and information

Hospice Gasthuis Groningen
Eendrachtskade NZ 19
9718 BB Groningen
