
Catering assistant Tea House

Stichting Werken Metzorg • job opening nr. 13290

Interesting about this job

It is a new project, lots of own input possible.
Every day is different.

Job tasks and duties

We are looking catering staff for the Pavilion. You are supposed to be able to manage the department and that you participate yourself.

We are also looking for people who want to cook and/or serve.

Minimum education level: lbo/mavo/vmbo

Job skills and qualities

  • You have social skills.
  • You have experience in the hospitality industry or are willing to acquire it.
  • You are hospitable, friendly and patient
  • .
  • You are representative, with an eye for hygiene
  • .
  • You like working with people and you can collaborate.
  • You like to learn when necessary.

Extra information

 Getting through your day meaningfully and ending the day with a smile is our motto.

Job information

Job type Volunteer Work, Participation Job, Fit For Newcomers
Services WA insurance, accident insurance, volunteer contract, Certificate of Good Conduct is required
Duration indefinite
Hours per week at least 8 hours, max 36 hours
Work hours of your own choosing? Yes
Location Winsumerweg 1 Groningen

Organisation address and information

Stichting Werken Metzorg
Winsumerweg 1
9738 TC Groningen
