
Employee sewing workshop

Nais door WerkPro • job opening nr. 13069

Interesting about this job

You will not only provide yourself but also others with a nice day! Because you like working with textiles, you will have a great time here; a lot is possible.
If you need a piece of support regarding language or anything else, that is also there.

Job tasks and duties

As a workshop worker, you will be working with others to make beautiful textile products.
Those others are people who have signed up with werkpro because they needed meaning and/or daytime activities. They need some guidance to get through the days in a fun meaningful way. From a volunteer, we expect no extra attention. Our volunteers contribute to the goals of the project without requiring the guidance typical of the rest of workpro participants. The project management is happy about it, because the more people who help make the workshop's products, the more fun it becomes.     

Job skills and qualities

  • You are skilled in textiles.
  • You enjoy working with others and teaching others something. 

Extra information

We will look at what you like, what you want to grow towards, what the situation is in which you are and what you need during an introductory meeting. We are looking for someone in a volunteer who, after a short familiarisation period, will quickly be able to work independently and strengthen the team.

If during this interview it becomes clear that (too) much guidance is needed while working even after the familiarisation period we would like to discuss with you the possibility of investigating a WMO indication for day care. After all, with a WMO indication, we can pay more attention to supervision, and we can do our best to make a workplace suitable. After all, we want both to be able to be satisfied with your workplace and your activities.

Job information

Job type Volunteer Work, Participation Job, Language Internship, Suitable For Non-Dutch Speakers
Services WA insurance, accident insurance, volunteer contract, volunteer reimbursement
Duration indefinite
Hours per week at least 8 hours, max 32 hours
Work hours of your own choosing? No
Location Goudgoed, Damsterdiep

Organisation address and information

Nais door WerkPro
Damsterdiep 269
9713 EE Groningen
