
Employee maintenance Neighbourhood centre Bij van Houten

bij Van Houten • job opening nr. 13039

Interesting about this job

Van Houten has a Community Center in the Oosterpark. We are there for all local residents who would like to do something in the neighborhood. Everyone can participate here. This means we have a diverse team! The diversity makes everyone feel welcome! The atmosphere is relaxed and when a department is busy, we help each other.

What's nice about this place is that you meet fellow local residents, get soup during your working days, a lot of fun and you can use and develop your talents.

If you would like to take the first steps towards work, that is possible. Here you can work from all kinds of programs, but also without a program. The programs include additional guidance.

Job tasks and duties

  • You maintain the installations in the building.
  • You prepare the technology (e.g. Projector).
  • You will help with the renovation of the building.

Job skills and qualities

We(k)werken is the name of the District Companies set up by COSIS, Lentis, Iederz and WerkPro. Wij(k)werken focuses on increasing liveability in the neighbourhood by actively deploying people from the neighbourhood and providing services to the neighbourhood. You enjoy working together and are social.

  • You know how to get things done.
  • You are eager to get back to work and enjoy varied work.
  • You have technical insight.
  • You will find varied work with enthusiastic colleagues. 

Extra information

Want to know what it's like to volunteer at a community centre? Then read here one of the volunteer stories.

Job information

Job type Volunteer Work, Participation Job, Fit For Newcomers
Services WA insurance, volunteer contract
Duration indefinite
Hours per week at least 8 hours
Work hours of your own choosing? No
Location Wij(k)werken bij Van Houten Oosterpark

Organisation address and information

bij Van Houten
Oliemuldersweg 47
9713 VA Groningen
