
Assistent Driver Transport bus m/f

Fair Back Kringloop • job opening nr. 12959

Interesting about this job

We offer a pleasant, sociable, interesting and, above all, collegial working environment in a voluntary organisation where you can work at your own pace and where employees treat each other with respect.

Job tasks and duties

As a assistent driver, you will be responsible for the safety of yourself and your fellow co-drivers, for our company vehicle and for the safe and responsible transportation of goods to and from our customers.
We require someone with a high sense of responsibility.

Minimum education level: lbo/mavo/vmbo

Job skills and qualities

  • You naturally take road safety and traffic rules into account.
  • You are able to work independently. Because you are our "face to the outside world".
  • You are representative, customer-friendly and service-oriented.
  • You are in possession of driving licence(BE).

Extra information

This vacancy is both a volunteer position and a participation job vacancy (minimum 16 hours per week).

Job information

Job type Volunteer Work, Participation Job
Services WA insurance, accident insurance, volunteer contract, volunteer reimbursement
Duration indefinite
Hours per week at least 16 hours, max 32 hours
Work hours of your own choosing? No
Location Ulgersmaweg 28-3

Organisation address and information

Fair Back Kringloop
Ulgersmaweg 28-3
9731 BT Groningen
