

Kunstlievend Genootschap Pictura • job opening nr. 12859

Interesting about this job

  • Work experience in Groningen's oldest and one of the largest art institutions.
  • Company liability and employers insurance are in place.
  • Supervision by (professional) board member/members.
  • Other employees you work with.
  • You will meet people interested in art.
  • The position is diverse and you can contribute with your talents.

Job tasks and duties

By 1 September 2022, Pictura is looking for one or more administrators to take charge of the day-to-day organisation and run a significant part of the attendant shifts. The administrator will be assisted by a few volunteers.

  • Supposts (working days in consultation).
  • Cleaning, management and maintenance of building.
  • Light administrative work in coordination with the treasurer.
  • Exhibition design: facility management, catering and other related tasks.
  • Promotion: distribution of flyers, press releases and agenda’s etc.
  • Facilitate board meetings and attendance at exhibition committee.

Minimum education level: mbo

Job skills and qualities

  • Representative and hospitable.
  • Communicative skills, both verbal and written.
  • Flexible commitment (willing to work weekends).
  • Craftmanship is a plus as well as experience with the computer.
  • Able to work independently as well as cooperatively.
  • An interest in (contemporary, visual) art, music, theatre, poetry etc.

Extra information

This, as a participation job, could be a step in your career towards further education or paid work.
In short, are you a versatile enthusiastic host or hostess with an interest in art? If so, we would like to talk to you.

Job information

Job type Participation Job
Services WA insurance, accident insurance
Duration indefinite
Hours per week at least 16 hours, max 32 hours
Work hours of your own choosing? Yes
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Location St. Walburgstraat 1

Organisation address and information

Kunstlievend Genootschap Pictura
St. Walburgstraat 1
9712 HX Groningen
