
Handyman help (occasional)

Stichting Werkpodium Kraack • job opening nr. 12216

Interesting about this job

It is for a very nice foundation that works with a wonderful group of people and makes theatre. 

Job tasks and duties

We are looking for job heroes!
For a new theatre floor to be laid, in one weekend (to be coordinated) + carpet tiles.

Would you like to help us?
We work together in a small team so the job will be done quickly.
We are looking for 2 to 3 enthusiastic volunteers.
We will provide coffee/tea and some goodies and a well catered lunch!

Job skills and qualities

  • Affinity with odd jobs.
  • Experience with painting, remodelling and moving.
  • You are a go-getter.

Extra information

We are looking for job help on a weekend, Saturday during the day (or a Sunday late morning/afternoon).
In consultation which weekend (depending on when you can help).
Do you help us? Our thanks are great!

Job information

Job type Volunteer Work, Fit For Newcomers
Services travel expenses
Duration Eenmalig
Hours per week at least 3 hours, max 4 hours
Work hours of your own choosing? Yes
saturdag morning, saturdag afternoon, sundag afternoon
Location Theaterloods in Beijum

Organisation address and information

Stichting Werkpodium Kraack
Heratemaheerd 18
9737 MT Groningen
