
Garden team assistant

WerkPro Het Groenhuis • job opening nr. 12003

Interesting about this job

You are part of a start-up neighbourhood project. All your ideas and skills are welcome! A brand-new team of hard workers is emerging, each in their own way. There is a relaxed atmosphere and by building something beautiful together, everyone stays motivated. Together, we will build something beautiful for each other and the neighbourhood!

Job tasks and duties

The GroenHuis is a new project within the Korreweg neighbourhood. Here workplaces are created where people from the neighbourhood can work towards a green and more sustainable neighbourhood. As a gardener, you will work to design the outdoor space and keep it beautiful. You will also work towards a greener neighbourhood. Think about:

  • Maintaining gardens.
  • Designing green spaces.
  • Meadow gardening.
  • Making compost bins, etc.
  • Green things we will tackle together!
  • In a participation job, you work at least 16 hours a week.

Job skills and qualities

Do you have a green thumb? Do you like to make things beautiful? And do you enjoy being creative? Then it would be great if you want to collaborate on this project! We are a colourful bunch of all different people. This means that we like it if you can work in a team and are open to each other, so that we can make something beautiful out of it together! Together, we look especially at where your qualities lie and how you can use and develop them. You don't have to be super good at something, your presence and commitment is more than enough. Together, we will look at how we can make it a nice place for you.

Extra information

The GreenHouse is for and by the neighbourhood which means that in consultation there is also room to work together on your own idea.
It is a hotbed for sustainable and green ideas that have a positive impact on the neighbourhood.

Job information

Job type Volunteer Work, Participation Job
Services volunteer contract
Duration indefinite
Hours per week at least 2 hours, max 24 hours
Work hours of your own choosing? No
Location Madoerastraat 20, Groningen

Organisation address and information

WerkPro Het Groenhuis
Madoerastraat 20
9715 HG Groningen
