
Keeping workshop in order

Stichting Doedertoe • job opening nr. 11125

Interesting about this job

  • You meet people.
  • You work in a creative atmosphere.
  • You can work in your own way and insight.

Job tasks and duties

  • Keeping the workshop in order.
  • Making sure materials are neat and orderly.
  • Giving new materials a place.

Job skills and qualities

  • Practical insight.
  • Can sense how to present materials well.
  • Sorting.

Extra information

For more information contact: of kijk op

Job information

Job type Volunteer Work
Services WA insurance
Duration indefinite
Hours per week at least 3 hours, max 5 hours
Work hours of your own choosing? Yes
Location Travertijnstraat 12

Organisation address and information

Stichting Doedertoe
Travertijnstraat 12
9743 SZ Groningen
